Traigo hoy a primera plana este drama bélico para examinar algunas frases del protagonista, un oficial alemán de la 2ª Guerra Mundial interpretado por Brando. A lo largo de esta película, podemos ver cómo va cambiando su ideología y su pensamiento sobre Adolf Hitler y la perdición a la que abocó ése a su pueblo. Tal vez, y digo tal vez porque es solamente una suposición, ese complejo que arrastra Alemania (no tan sólo tras la 2ª Guerra Mundial sino desde la 1ª Gran Guerra) esté aún latente en ese país que pretende hoy dominar Europa por medio de la política. Veamos algunas frases de Cristian Diestl, el personaje del que hablo, en dos diálogos con dos mujeres distintas:
- No, I am not a Nazi. I'm not... I'm not political at all.
- But I think that they stand for something hopeful in Germany.
- Christian, you don't really believe that?
- But why? Why? What can you possibly find to justify Hitler?
- I think that... that Hitler will bring us a better life.
- Is the life you have now so terrible?
- No. My life is not so terrible, but I don't wish to spend the rest of it teaching fat little children how to ski, and being charming and picturesque.
- I think that perhaps you cannot understand what it means to live on tips from foreigners in your own country, huh? You know what I really am? I'm not a ski instructor, even. I do this for two or three months in the year, and when the season is over, I... I go to work in a little shop as an assistant to my father. And I am a shoemaker.
- And you don't want to be a shoemaker?
- No, I don't. I want to be something else.
- Well, then, you don't have to remain one.
- Oh, this is not the United States. It's so hard to explain to you, but, you see, it's very difficult for people to rise above their class in Europe. I'll tell you something. At one time, I wanted very much to be a doctor. And I worked... I worked very hard for this. And when there was no longer any money I was forced to give it up, because we have no free university here. And I think this is... this is where Hitler can help us. I think that... that... He has promised to change all this.
- Christian, Hitler promises to conquer the whole world.
- Oh. But this is a direct result of a handful of completely insane fanatics...
- Ooh! Christian!
- Yeah, it is, and this will pass.
- It will not pass. It's going to get worse and worse and worse. And I think it's going to end in war.
- I think that... we should not discuss this... because I don't know all the answers. I know you don't know all the answers.
Cuando estás en un agujero...
Termino insistiendo con el diálogo de este hombre alemán que se convirtió en soldado durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial:
- You're not the same.
- When you are... When you are in a hole... filled with your own excrement for days on end, and when you see the faces and the bodies of the men you've killed, you change. And when you're out there like that, when you have to live with death every day... for so long... you have to keep something in front of you, or you would go insane. And so I was... I was always afraid that... I had just invented you.
- Oh, but I am real.
- Yes.
- Christian... please stay. There isn't anything for you to fight for. There never really was. Christian... you're not the golden warrior any more.
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